New Year’s Resolution

“I have chosen to be faithful; I have determined to live by your laws” (Psalm 119:30).

The term “resolution” (as we often think of it) basically means “firm determination to take a course of action.” With each new year people all around the nation make their new year’s resolutions. With some it is to quit smoking; with others it is to go on a diet or to get more exercise (etc.). Though intentions are usually very good, for many it seems that their determination loses steam in just a short while. The same kind of frustration can be seen in our spiritual lives. It’s not good enough to just talk the talk, we must also walk the walk. There is little good in making noble plans if we will not put those plans into action and see them through.

God (our most perfect example) says of Himself, “...Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it” (Isaiah 46:11). Let me encourage you to follow God’s example. And let us not only resolve to do the Lord’s will, let us actually do it.

Aaron Veyon


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