Which Comes First?
Have you ever heard someone ask, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Such questions are often humorous and are usually intended to be a brainteaser.
On the subject of being “born again” (a spiritual rebirth), I was once asked, “Which takes place first, regeneration or faith?” (By “regeneration” they typically mean “spiritual renewal” or be “born again”). Such a question derives from a religious ideology claiming that one cannot come to faith unless he is first “born again” – and by that they usually mean by direct, miraculous operation of the Holy Spirit upon a person’s heart (which is an erroneous man-made doctrine in and of itself). However, the Bible teaches just the opposite is true: faith precedes regeneration.
One flaw in their ideology is that they equate physical birth with spiritual birth. They claim that, since we cannot come to faith before we are physically born (which is true), that we cannot come to faith until after we have been spiritually “born again” (which is false). We have no control over our physical birth – but we have full control over our spiritual rebirth. One happened against our will (i.e., we had no choice), whereas the other happens solely based on our will, or choice (John 3:3-6).
In Romans 6:4 Paul stated that it is AFTER one is “buried with (Christ) through baptism” that such a one then walks “in newness of life” (i.e., he is born again; is “regenerated”). After, not before. Also, in Colossians 2:12-13 Paul again states that it is AFTER one is “buried with (Christ) in baptism” that “He has made (us) alive” (i.e., he is born again; is “regenerated”). After, not before. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 Paul said that one “is a new creation” (i.e., he is born again; is “regenerated”) IF he is “in Christ” (and that is accomplished through baptism, by faith – Gal. 3:26-27). After, not before.
So then, faith comes before regeneration (i.e., spiritual rebirth), not after...... (just as the chicken came before the egg – Gen. 1:20-25).
Aaron Veyon