Two Groups Are Convicted

In 2 Timothy 3:16 Paul describes the profitability of the gospel of Christ. Among the things listed is the word “reproof” which means “conviction” (the state of being proven guilty). In the New Testament there are two notable occasions on which the message preached actually convicted a whole group of people.

The first group was guilty of the crucifixion of Christ (Acts 2:36). Upon hearing this they were convicted in their conscience [heart] and sought repentance (vv. 37-38).

The second group was also guilty of the murder of Christ (7:52). Upon hearing this they also were convicted in their conscience [heart, v. 54]; however, instead of seeking repentance, they rejected the message preached and killed the messenger (vv. 58-59).

In both cases, the groups heard the truth and were convicted by it (both were “cut to the heart”); but only one turned to the Lord, whereas the other strongly rejected Him. Friends, I have a question: which group do you fit in with?

Aaron Veyon


Biblical Predestination


A King After Their Own Hearts