1 Question, 3 Answers, 1 Conclusion

Three times the book of Acts records non-Christians asking  a familiar question. The Philippian Jailer asked, “Sirs, what  must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). The Jews on  Pentecost asked, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” (2:37). Saul of Tarsus asked, “Lord, what do you want me to  do?” (9:6).  

Please notice (first of all) that each of these dear souls  assumed they had to DO something in order to receive  salvation. Secondly, please notice that they were never told (1) that they were already saved or (2) that “faith only”  saves. On each occasion they were told to DO something in  order to be saved. The Philippian Jailor was told to “believe  on the Lord Jesus Christ” (16:31). He and his household  believed and they were baptized (vv. 32-34). The Pentecost  Jews were instructed to “repent and be baptized” (2:38), and  they obeyed (vv. 41). Saul was told what to do in the city of  Damascus (9:6) when Ananias said, “Arise and be baptized,  and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord” (22:16), and he did it (9:18). Though the conclusions were  the same, the three instructions were somewhat different.  Why?  

Suppose a man traveling from Mt. Vernon, Ohio to Cincinnati  was told that he was about 156 miles from his destination.  A person in Columbus might be told it is about 102 miles.  A person in Dayton might be told it is about 49 miles. Is there  a contradiction? No. Three different answers would be given,  but all three would be correct. The same is true with these  examples from the book of Acts.  

The jailor, the Pentecost Jews, and Saul were at different  stages of understanding on the road to salvation. The jailor  was not initially told to “be baptized” because he had not yet  heard and believed the gospel message. (It would be  pointless to command baptism to someone who has not first  heard and believed in Christ – cf. Mk. 16:16). After hearing  and believing he and his household did what was required of  them (they were baptized). At the preaching of Peter the  Pentecost Jews were cut to the heart (i.e., their belief was  evident); thus he did not command them to believe, but to  repent and be baptized. Saul was not told to believe or  repent because he was already a penitent believer by the  time he came in contact with Ananias; thus, he was only told  to be baptized. Though three different answers were given,  they all came to the same conclusion. Friends, do you  believe? Have you repented and have you been baptized  into Christ that your sins may be forgiven? If you haven’t,  why not do it today?

Aaron Veyon


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